Categories for Latest news

53808 steps in at another Spring Gala!

The Trust's S&D 7F was heading back from the KWVR gala, reported on earlier, when diverted to the Severn Valley Railway to replace the North Yorks. Moors Railway's B1, No. 61264, which was unavailable late…

53808 at the KWVR Spring Gala, Sunday 11 March

The Trust's restored S&D 7F, No. 53808, was in action at the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway's Spring Gala from 9 – 11 March. Here are some photos of 53808, both singly and double-headed. Above,…

Carriage purchase will add much-needed museum space

The Trust has recently purchased a MkI passenger brake van from the West Somerset Railway Association. The 1956-built BG [brake gangwayed] vehicle will provide a 56ft length of exhibition space, enabling existing exhibits to be…

Dorchester Group’s February Meeting

The February meeting of the Dorchester Area Group will take place in the Colliton Club, Dorchester at 7.30 on February 28th. The speaker will be John Chappell who will give an illustrated talk on “Travels…